There comes a time when we realize our days, months, years or even the lifespan we have to accomplish short and long term goals is limited. Negative influences have the potential to slow or stop our efforts. Unfortunately, this is a time when we may need to "clean house," so to speak, and begin to eliminate all negative influences which may slow the progression of our self growth or our ability to achieve goals. This quite possibly might involve disassociating ourselves, or participating less frequently in family events. Not in terms of divorce, though some cases may warrant a divorce as part of our agenda in eliminating the negative. More so in terms of the ones we love who've reluctantly encouraged us to excel, and if we did, they begrudgingly congratulated us. The kind of congratulations which seems to reward them for their false sense they were personally responsible for our achievement. I speak passionately about this because this is an snapshot of my epic experience.
In order to flush these negative influences aside, courage and strength are vital. The epitome of this situation is it's taken years, even decades for some to realize they can rise above by accepting and congratulating themselves for believing in their capacity to do great things in life. It is not easy to turn away from ones we love, but if they are not our main source of encouragement, move on.
During my childhood my vision of what my future may hold, like many children do, was my desire to sing, dance and perform or even be a movie star like my favorite actor, Superman's Christopher Reeve. In my household, had I displayed any hint of interest for the performing arts, it was considered gay or odd. This was not a good career choice because of the lifestyle it may eventually lead. There were hints of my affection for the same sex even back then and efforts were enacted to sway me to the opposite by handing me a football or baseball mitt. Basically ignoring my destiny was the result of those who tried to sway me. In turn the beginning of my dissatisfaction with my own self image was replaced.
Today I am happy, healthy, wise - and gay. I surround myself with many things which are characterized as gay. I'm married to a man, I work as a flight attendant, I take care of my health by eating right and abiding to a fitness regimen. Performing arts are still very interesting to me and I'm able to identify true works of art. Nobody is going to convince me the way I live my life is wrong or the wrong direction - I know better. I'm now taking applications for more positive influences.
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