One of the best ways to deal with Midlife Crisis is to actually identify the characteristics of this unavoidable period in our lives. This period is part of our physiology and it's not a matter of if, but rather, when and to what degree. These characteristics can be divided into two categories, unavoidable and the avoidable. The unavoidable characteristics are the actual physical symptoms of the aging process. The avoidable are the behavior symptoms. Both men and woman experience this period in life and each have common traits when going through the midlife process. Just for example, here are a few:
Male Midlife Traits:
Known as "The Manther" will borrow from life saving to buy the "Special Edition" convertible sports car in order to drive himself to the nearest tattoo parlor to decorate the painstakingly accentuated bicep with a tribal band. From there proceed to the nearest jewelery counter at the mall to have his ear pierced with a large diamond stud which will look groovy with his newly dawned pony tail. Not to forget he will clad himself with age inappropriate $300 pair of designer jeans worn with very shiny dress shoes - without socks.
Female Midlife Traits:
Found at the nearest Cougar Den (Any casual dining restaurant chain, with bar) and will be suffering later in the evening with a sore back due to sitting with her boobs erect, in the right light, facing entry door, waiting for "any" hot young buck, who is legally blind, to walk through the door and sweep her off her feet.
These are two small examples of what I've observed in my everyday life. A good suggestion is to be a people watcher and learn what to avoid during this almost careless period in your life. Observing others will most likely teach you not to look entirely like an ass, really.
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