Many of us in our 40s grew up before the risk factors of smoking were grilled into our heads through magazines, newspapers, or even television. I remember being in car with my parents while they puffed away with the windows closed and us kids sat in the back seat choking. We did not know the damage was already being done. We did know we hated it yet these were our parents and we just thought it was part of the parent thing to do. In fact, as we grew up, we felt more like an adult if we did smoke. Recently I joined a "Ban Smoking" group on a popular social networking site. One of my friends, a nurse, felt it necessary to tell me she was against this type of group because smokers keep her employed as a respiratory therapist. Evidently some of the taxes on cigarettes are used to fund clinics needed to treat diseases caused by smoking. I asked her if it would be better if I lived my life as unhealthy as possible in order to keep our medical professionals employed? Pretty strong argument for National Health Care don't you think?
Smoking causes heart disease, cancer, neurological complications, respiratory issues, forest fires, house fires, waist of our tax dollars, and death to name a few. Is that not enough to ban the filthy habit? Evidently not. Does the simple fact smokers are hurting others around them give them cause to at least consider quitting? If they are unselfish and compassionate, maybe.
I was a smoker for 25 years. I own up to being a selfish, stupid, and non-compassionate smoker. Ignorant to the fact whether or not spraying deodorant, chewing gum, or washing my hands after smoking, people could still smell it. Guess what? I had a heart attack, cancer, and still do not know what other damage will surprise me from my history of smoking. Am I bitter there are people who still smoke? You bet! But not because I want one, it's because they are not listening.
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