It's important for me to to convey a common sense approach to any ones dietary needs. Unless you've been living in a cave for the last 30 years, you know through the media what different foods cause diseases - particularly heart disease and obesity. We could go to the extremes and say if you are gonna begin to eat right, go all the way and go organic. If your budget allows you to go this route, by all means. There's plenty of literature to educate us on the benefits of organic foods. In order to feel the immediate effects of eating smart using common sense are these simple rules on foods to avoid:
1. No fried foods (be very careful when ordering Asian foods as they have vastly fried menus).
2. Cut out fast foods chains entirely (Main source of fried food and red meat for most).
3. For a while, cut out red meat until you learn other ways to achieve you protein needs.
4. Avoid table or processed sugars, and only use fruit as your sweet fix.
Seems easy enough? It's really not when you think about how you feed yourself on a daily basis. Non the less, give it a 7 day trial period. In the beginning I was religious about these rules, honestly, I've indulged from time to time since. It's important to get your body use to being fed correctly. The by-product is you will feel better. Combine eating right with an exercise regimen will deliver you some amazing results. People have asked me whether I compete in bodybuilding and what supplements I take. While this is a major ego boost, my answer is no and none to both and also tell them I look the way I do is because I follow my own set of rules using common sense. But first things first, do the 7 Day Nutritional Challenge.
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