Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Recently I read the human body contains every element in our galaxy. In other words, we are living, moving, and breathing fingerprints of where we come from in terms of in our galactic neighborhood. Water is the one element throughout space exploration found only here, on planet Earth, and our body's are comprised of approximately 60 percent of the H2O. The amazing thing about this, aside from other living organisms, we are physically responsible to maintain this level throughout our lives or else die from dehydration. Another amazing thing, through technology, we are able to adapt to different climates because we know how to move and or bring water where it normally does not belong.

When working out or working in the yard, it seems like I cannot hold on to water. This is a process of exertion, and the body will sweat in order to cool itself down. A power walk will expel approximately a pound of water. Dehydration can occur rapidly with people who have been burned, experience frequent urination, fever, and diarrhea. Some of the initial signs of dehydration are thirst, and lack of urination, or your urine is very yellow. A more advanced level of dehydration would show signs of dry mouth, lack of sweat, muscle cramps and nauseousness.

This will lead to the question of how much water do I need? This all depends on your health, energy level, and your climate. Our medical community suggests we use the 8 by 8 rule. This is eight, eight ounce glasses of water a d day. Some of us require more, but rarely less, in order for our metabolism to work properly. As a flight attendant working in a very arid atmosphere I must constantly remind myself to drink water.

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